Thursday, July 27, 2006

The day of departure draws nigh and I've yet to get that quaking-in-my-boots, oh-no-what-have-I-done feeling. A good omen, for sure. This week has been a blur, a smear really, of last minute preparations, appointments, and promises. It's a precarious juggling act, trying to pack, making time for friends, and convincing our selves that no, we haven't forgotten anything. And I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting something. To top it off (think mayo instead of whipped cream, dolloped on a warm raspberry pie), in the past two days we've driven twice to the god-forsaken billboard wasteland of Renton for the joy of hasty dentistry.

It is strange, really, that I'm not nervous at all about moving to Japan, but I do have all this pent up anxiety for our preparations. I feel like the would-be homecoming queen dashing from hair salon to nail boutique in a desperate rush for pre-dance beauty.

I should really start coming up with some better similes.

Seriously though, I'm like this about everything. I have no doubts the final outcome will be brilliant (humbly spoken), but the process absolutely kills me. I am working to change the habit; I've got a serious promise with myself regarding my creative output while in Japan. I'd tell you what I'm going to do about my procrastination, but I better save that for later. Best to leave some topics for future blog posts, after all.

It just occured to me that I've made no mention of the wonderful time we spent in Maryland last week. Due to the triple digit heat, I passed the time largely indoors, watching movies with the folks, playing music with my brother, and shucking corn with Clinton. Really taxing stuff. I did get dragged outside, however, for a great day skiing and tubing at my aunt and uncle's cabin on Deep Creek Lake. A watery god I was, rising from the foamy wake on my twin blades of composite plastics. Julianna too enjoyed the aqueous sports, perfecting her defensive "turtle-tuck" tubing manuever, much to the amusement of my onlooking relations. It was great to see the family one more time before our long leave of absence, though I'm sure they'll visit Sendai soon enough.

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