Thursday, August 24, 2006

Apology is Policy

I want to apologize for the lack of pictures posted lately. Originally, I wanted this blog to be more photo-oriented, and I swear I'll get it back on track for all you casual readers. I'm a bit limited at the moment, as I can only access the internet from my work computer, which operates entirely in Japanese. Julianna and I just recieved our "gaijin" alien registration cards, however, so we're now eligible to get broadband set up at our apartment. But it might take another week or so.

I'm here at my school now, pounding out the details for my self-introduction lesson. I gave two short speeches this morning. The first was at the teachers meeting, and I stumbled through my notes in haltering Japanese. I think it went over rather well, considering. The second speech was a brief self-introduction at this morning's all-school assembly. Naturally, I got a few laughs when I had to adjust the height of the microphone. And the students liked it when I dropped the obvious Ichiro reference in regard to Seattle.

More later...


sarah :) said...

Hey you two!
Can't imagine the element a broken legs adds to the adjustment...hope you're both doing well. We start school Friday, but it looks like you already started? Great job on your speeches, Casey. Tuesday are my first classes-man I wish I could remember more from Suzan K's ESL classes ;)

pabs said...

SENDAI?!?! Nice! Let me know when you are in Tokyo... you always have a place to crash. How is it going? How are the kids? How are YOU?