Friday, November 24, 2006


This one is from Julianna:

"I was just correcting an essay and felt compelled to share it:

The most exciting event for me during my junior high school days was dissection of eight frogs to study them. I was interested in creatures. I wanted to know them in detail. So, I decided to examine frogs. I dissected the body of a frog. First, I performed an abdominal operation. Next, I skinned the frog. And I took Frog's organs from the body. Last, I examined organs under the microscope. The more I examined the frog, the more I was interested in it. So, I decided to dissect seven more frogs. It took ten hours to dissect the 8 frogs. I was tired."

If I was a punning man, I'd say it's a good thing those frogs already croaked. Good thing I'm not not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ARGH! Ya Beat me to the PUNch....GWA HAHAHAHA see how i cleverly turned the phrase "beat me to the punch" into a pun by highlighting the P.U.N. in the word PUNCH!!! OH HOW I LOVE TO PUN.........i'm an idiot, im gonna go to bed