Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Responses to: "If you could create a new Halloween monster, what would it look like? Describe your monster using as many adjectives as possible."

The monster's name is "Mr. Sugai." It is little shorter than a usual man, and it always says to us, "Bow." It teaches us English that is easy to understand. Its story is interesting.

The monster's name is "GOZIRAIAN." It is very short, but very strong. It can breathe blue fire and it can fly. It often eats a very big meat.

This monster's name is "Mr. Solar Eclipse." He is cheerful and dark. So he is not scary. And he has a sister named "Lunar Eclipse." She is always angry. She is more scary than "Mr. Solar Eclipse."

My new Halloween monster looks like a beautiful woman. She wears a white kimono and her hair is purple. She has a very big scythe and use it to kill the children. She eats children's souls. When you see her, please run away.

My new Halloween monster looks like vampire. But he doesn't suck at blood. He sucks at many kind of juice because he likes juice very much!! He have on short and wear long cloak. Those color are profound blue. He is a very nice monster, I think.

The monster has three big heads and only one small leg. It has dark green faces with two red eyes and one black eye. It is nocturnal. It lives in cold places. There is no danger for person, but probably the person who sees it will be surprised, get scary and run away soon. But the monster just wants to play with you. It is easy to make a friend with it.

It is a very small cat and it is only yellow. It has blue eyes. And mouth is very big and half of face. It eats human in the night. It doesn't have house and isn't liked people. Today, people were killed by the cat.

The monster looks very big and dirty. His body is black. He is stronger than any other monster. He gathers a lot of garbages. No one goes up. He attacked us easily. He lives in dumping ground. But he has weakness. It is that he weaks beautiful things.

It's the largest of all monsters. Its body is red like blood. It has very big hands, mouth, feet, and eyes. Therefore, it looks very stern. Children who see it begin crying.

It has teeth look like crocodile. And it has eyes look like bird, body look like bear. It has wing look like bird. But voice is very pretty.

It looks very positive, sociable, beautiful, grand, polite, fresh, divine and healthy.

The monster has a lot of keys but he doesn't use them.

It looks like a cat. It's not only big, but also beautiful. However, it's always angry, so sometimes people is killed by it. People are scared to death it. In fact, it is easy to control it. Just give it fish.

The monster is fat. The monster's look is very terrible. But he is honest. You'll like him soon.

My monster is big and strong. He has gold eyes. He looks a terrible, but he is very tenderhearted.

A new Halloween monster look like ghost. It is very big, and it has loudly voice. But, its face is pretty, and it likes to take a bath.

Ebisu, Pumpkin, Apple, Pokemon, Gozira.


Amanda Sue said...

Ahhh! Hilarious! I especially like the "sociable" monster.

Anonymous said...

I remember my high school days... was trying to do similar kind of assighment. Even though making one sentense, I looked up the dictionary, and it took me for a while to make a story like those.. It is interesting to see how similar idea Japanese students have about a "monster," dont you think?? They might seem scary, but they are gentle or kind. I think the idea maybe comes from Japanese old folk tales about "ONI" (which are Japanese version of monsters, I guess) This was very interesting. Happy Halloween! I just came back from the party^^