Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Last weekend, Casey and I jumped on our bikes and met up with Andy downtown. We fancy ourselves a bike-gang, and it would be the last weekend warm enough to ride.
Once Casey bought a Sherlock Holmes coat, we rode to the Nagamachi weather towers. After a never-ending ascent up an ancient stone stairway, which judging by the absurdly spaced steps were probably constructed by the nephilim before the great flood, we were face to face with the blinking weather towers. There were crows, lots of them, just like in Hitchcock's "The Birds." Also two indigenous Japanese black dogs (I forget the name of the breed) but they looked more like bears than dogs and didn't care for the looks of Andy. After making scary faces for Casey's impromptu portrait session by the cemetery, we began the long descent back to our bikes in pitch-black darkness.
After an organic Indian food dinner, we went home and carved pumpkins. Then Casey made us watch "Evil Dead" and I cooked up a coconut pudding. Halloween, Sendai style.

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