Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I've found my new favorite palindrome: "In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni." It translates as "we go in circles at night and are consumed by the fire," in reference, of course, to moths. Pretty clever stuff, that.

I thought I would post a few pictures that one of the teachers I'll be working with, Noto-Sensei, recently sent me. The top one is our apartment. We'll be living on the second floor, hopefully on the side of the building that doesn't overlook the cemetary. Actually, such a view wouldn't bother me at all, as I'm not too easily spooked. And perhaps, just perhaps, this cemetary is the reason our large, family-sized apartment has such inordinately cheap rent. I've been told it's quite nice on the inside, after all. We'll have two six-tatami-mat rooms (Japanese style), one similarly sized western room with hardwood floors, and a decent kitchen. Plenty of room for visitors.

The middle picture is Sendai Daini, my school, and the bottom is Julianna's school, Ichijoku.

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