Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Julianna weathered her surgery like an arctic fishing trawler. Meaning, it was a tough trip but she pulled through admirably. She's currently laid up on the 5th floor of Tohoku Kosai, braving the triple threat of suppositories (which the nurse refers to as "the rocket," complete with explicit hand gestures), sponge baths, and bad hospital food. I'm about to head over there now with some fresh fruit and a few of these delicious pudding cups I've recently discovered. I'll give it to Japan; they've got some great (and cheap) desserts.

Back to the surgery. Everything went well, and the surgery was "very successful" even though it was "more difficult" than the doctors had anticipated. Fortunately, the surgeon had studied at the University of Washington, spoke beautiful English, and was able to quell Julianna's fears with a magical wave of his scalpel. He answered all of her previously unanswered questions, questions that had once riddled the proceedings with a nauseating and ominous sense of mystery. The result was Julianna at her epitome of bravery. Given her fear of all things medical, I was expecting hysteria (just being honest), but as they led her into the operating room she smiled a nervous smile and we exchanged the ubiquitous it's-going-to-be-alright hand squeeze.

I'll have more to write about the surgery later, as I've got to catch the bus to the hospital now. I do want to express my sincere thanks to Miyuki, our newfound friend who served as comforter and translater over the past two days!

If you'd like to get in touch with us, please send an e-mail to our cell-phones: or We'd love to hear from you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Casey - thx for the update! We've been praying for you both and know it's gonna get better. Having experienced J'ese hospitals briefly, I can understand everything you're describing, and more. :-) You're a great hubby to bring nice pudding desserts, though. Keep it up! Love and prayers, ~Sylvia~