Monday, November 06, 2006

Teenage Boys Do a Halloween Mad-Lib

Responses are in italics.

It was a coloudy (weather adjective) and clear (weather adjective) Halloween night and my friend Keisuke (a friend's name) and I were getting ready to go trick-or-treating. At first, we wanted to dress as Chainese (plural costume), but we realized that would be too black (scary adjective). We decided to go as only panties (plural costume) instead. We headed to the old (scary adjective) house in the poor (adjective) woods behind our neighborhood. When I knocked on the rich (adjective) door, Mr. Mori (male teacher's name) opened it! At night, he was more red (adjective) than usual, and he was holding a yellow (adjective) cat. "I feel troublesome," (greeting) he said. "Would you like some candy?" Sad (emotion adjective), we skipped (movement verb) away to Yosemite Natioral Park as fast as we could!!!

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