Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Casey and I were invited to participate in the annual Izumi English Camp. I was in charge of teaching Gospel music, Arabic script, belly dancing and being generally responsible for a team of shy girls named "SESAM5." Casey taught Patois and reggae music while simulatenously being responsible for a group of impious girls who chose to go by "JACKO." We bathed in the onsens, chased kids down the halls, and ate more ice cream than you could shake a waffle cone at.


Unknown said...

what's going on in that bottom picture?!

Casey and/or Julianna said...

Casey and Kevin "dancing" to reggae music.

Unknown said...

i'll tell you what i think is happening: casey is doing some low punches and kevin has got the biggest come on everyone we can lose weight together look on his face i have ever seen.