Monday, June 30, 2008

The Reality

Another mile-marker has been passed, as it is now one short month before we leave Japan. The preparations for our departure, which had, up until now, been marked by leisurely procrastination, are rapidly cramming themselves into the forefront of our already crowded and slightly overwhelmed minds. My supervisor talked with me this morning about cutting off the utilities to our apartment, about final classes, goodbye parties, farewell speeches.

In so many ways, I'm ready to leave. At school I've been mentally-absent, distracted, anxious to get these last few lessons over and done with. I want to get home and get started on whatever comes next. But at the same time, I'm having the expected doubts. Why didn't we travel more in Asia? How could I have connected better with my students and co-workers? Would one more year have changed anything?


Anonymous said...

You can always go back! I am excited to see what you guys end up doing. Miss you!

Matthew and Lisa said...

When do you come back?

Anonymous said...

We leave Japan August 2nd.